• We offer 7 days hassle-free returns & exchange from the date of delivery and a further 5-7 days for the returned product(s) to reach us. We can assist you in availing reverse pick-up services and the charges for the same are to be paid directly to the service provider by you.
  • If the products are returned in poor condition or have clearly been worn, a refund would not be provided.
  • Kindly allow 7 days for the return to be processed and the amount to be shown in your bank account. 
  • Shipping Charges are Non-Refundable
  • You can get in touch with us about any issues at our customer support portal by dropping a message on Whatsapp https://wa.me/919821467042 . All queries will be solved between Monday-Sunday, 10 am- 8 pm. All pending queries will be solved on priority the next day. 
  • Cancellations will only be possible till the order has not been dispatched from our warehouse.


  • Any items purchased during a BOGO Sale (Buy 1 Get 1 Free) or any such promotions wherein free products are included, such orders will not be eligible for any returns. 


  • For return orders pick up you will have to courier the product(s) to the following address:
  • Freeman1989 Warehouse

     Freeman Shop No. 10 Ground Floor, Kothari Niwas, Sanitorium Lane, Ghatkopar West, Mumbai 400086.

  • Please ensure the items are packed securely to prevent any loss or damage during transit and the ORDER ID and registered mobile number is mentioned on the packaging. All items must be in unused condition with all original tags attached and packaging intact. Within 48 hours of receiving the product(s), the complete order amount (excluding shipping / courier charges paid by us) will be refunded to your bank account in case of prepaid and in the form of store credit (gift card) in case of COD.


  • Bank account details provided by the customer would be final and any error in the details provided by the customer would not be the responsibility of the brand.
  • If you have received an SMS or EMAIL of order delivered status and if it's not received by you, please contact us within 24 hours.
  • Whatsapp https://wa.me/919821467042
  • Phone no.: +91 98214 67042
  • The customer will be under an obligation to take utmost care of the product(s) whilst the products are in their possession. This includes all of the product(s) instructions, documents and wrappings while returning the product(s) in the same condition as received.
  • In circumstances where the customer feels that the product does not conform to the standards at the time of delivery, they shall promptly contact us via Whatsapp https://wa.me/919821467042, phone no.: +91 98214 67042 with details of the product and its damage within 1 day of receiving the products; whereon, the customer will receive instructions from us.
  • Upon return of the product, we will fully examine it and notify the customer of their right to a refund (if any) via e-mail within a reasonable period of time. We aim to process the refund as soon as possible and, in any case, within 30 working days from the day, we confirmed to the customer via e-mail that they are entitled to a refund.
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